End of Life Doula Training Course

This course is designed for individuals who have been or will be called upon to provide care, support and advocacy for someone who is facing the end of their life. Students in this course develop an understanding of how the continuity of care and advocacy they provide complements the end of life care provided by the medical community and hospice palliative care workers and volunteers.

Whether you are a family caregiver seeking a deeper understanding of the questions and issues that arise at end of life, or are planning to open a practice as an End of Life Doula, this course will provide you with opportunities to discuss issues, ask questions, and find a community of practice that can support you as a caregiver through the end of life journey.

For more information about the community of practice for End of Life Doulas, please contact The End of Life Doula Association of Canada.

On February 14th, 2020 the Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association celebrated the completion of the End of Life Doula certification course by 20 Mi’kmaq women. The End of Life Doula certification course is designed for individuals who have been, or will be, called upon to provide care, support and advocacy for someone who is facing the end of their life. The training was 5 days and was held in Millbrook First Nation. Due to the sensitive and triggering nature of the topic, we wanted to ensure we had a traditional elder on site for individuals who may need to debrief or smudge etc. The Elder also took part in the training as an advisor for the instructor and participants to ensure that the Mi’kmaq traditions and values were incorporated within the training. It is our hope that these women will assist their community members with the teachings they have acquired through this unique program and be called upon when the time arises.